Friday, June 26, 2009

You are needed because children are starving!!

Because children in Uganda are in dire need of ...
clean-safe water
we ask for your assistance in providing these wonderful kids with things we take for granted.

  • We have refrigerators filled with foods - they have no electricty, no stored foods
  • We have hot/cold tap water - they carry water miles in a jerry can - for drinking, bathing etc
  • We have modern conveniences - they do not
  • We have nice houses - they live in alley ways or grass/mud 1 room huts / dirt floors
  • we have comfortable beds - they sleep on the ground or a grass mat
  • we have free education - they do not - and most cannot afford the fees, thus remain illiterate
  • we have dreams & goals - they have no hope for the future
Please consider a gift to - a 501C-3 non profit organization that is helping these Ugandan kids - all volunteer labor - no salaries, no expenses - 100% of funds received go direct to Uganda care.
if you cannot afford a contribution, then please apply for the - Compassion Care Credit Card The bank will give $50 for each approved credit card when you make your first purchase using the card. Then you use the card for normal day to day purchases and the bank will donate a small percentage to Compassion care of each of your purchases. It costs you nothing extra - just normal items you buy anyway - and you wind up helping these kids and can have a good feeling knowing you are helping in the world.

Thank you
Jim Haverlock